Pan Arab Company maintains a healthy, safe and pollution free work environment at our Client sites. Pan Arab Company have an injury free track record, because of excellent safety standards, competent and effective management skills, and timely delivery of all our business have been the Company Forte.
Safety measures that the company has knitted into the framework
of functioning take into account perceived risk, practicality, compliance with regulations and recognition of social norms.
We are committed to ensure the health, safety and welfare of our employees, contractors and visitors. We also recogribe that Health and Safety should be considered equally with quality and performance when work is being considered or undertaken We provide information focusing on training supervision, plant and equipment as necessary to identify, minato control hands and the workplace. Adequate resources will be provided for this purpose. The valobjective to achieves far as reasonably possible safe and healthy workplace for all employees and those by cities. Any Company employee who supervises or manages the use of work equipment shall have received adequate training for the purposes of health and safety, including training in the methods that may be adopted when using the work equipment anys that such use may ental and precautions to be taken. We set and maintain high standards of health and safety, which aim to match or exceed current industry best practices. We meet these commitments by Implementing comprehensive health and safety management system and continually improving both the system itself and our performance in accordance with the principles below. We provide the leadership, management support, communications and resources necessary to do so. We recognizes that we have legal obligations with regards to the health and safety of our employees, customers and the general public, who are affected by our activities. We integrate health and safety considerations into all aspects of our business. We recognize that there quantifiable competitive advantage to be achieved through world-class health and safety
performance. Commitment:
- At the very least meeting all Occupational Health and Safety legislation and guidelines relevant to the company and in most cases for exceeding any requirements in ander to prevent injury and health Providing sufficient resources and equipment that the Company can operate the documented Management System across all business functions that conforms to the requirements and principles of the health & Safety acts and appropriate to the nature and scale of the company’s occupational health and safety risks. The Management System will provide framework for the setting and reviewing of Occupational Health & Safety objectives
- Ensuring that all employees are made aware of and understand this policy and their individual Occupational Health & Safety obligations. To this end employees must be fully committed to health safety to protect themselves, other employees and others who may be affected by their activities
- Communicating to all subcontractors employed by the Company or any other interested parties of the requirements of this Health & Safety Policy that they shall be required to meet the same objectives in al respects
- Conducting Risk assessments of all appropriate activities and fully documenting and implementing measures to achieve satisfactory control
- Ensuring that all personnel are trained to the highest of standards for any duties they are required to perform, and eventualities that may arise detailed on the Company risk assessments
- Communicating the promotion of the health & safety of employees which is paramount and contesto the success of the business
- Ensuring that the Company will take all reasonable measures to protect the health and safety of employees and all others who may be affected by our c
- Continually improving its Occupational Health & Safety Management System and company performance in Health and Safety.
- Our Health and Safety Policy is monitored and reviewed to ensure that it meets the companies’ legislative requirements, Health & Safety objectives and targets and romains relevant and effective to the changing needs of our business and customers.
The Management and staff of the Company will monitor the operation of this policy to encourage and strive for continual improvements in health and safety performance as an on-going action. This Statement of Company Policy will be displayed prominently made available at all sites and workplaces in addition, the Organization and Arrangements for implementing the Policy will also be available at each ite and workplace
This health and Safety Policy statement will be revealesponsibility for compliance to this policy rests with the Top Management who will monitor the effectiveness of the policy and associated natives. This Health and Safety Policy Statement will be displayed prominently and access to the complete Health and Safety Procedures will be available on the premises for reference by any employee